Monday, November 2, 2020

A Place to Start - November 2020 - Mirror Stamping

Wow!  It's November already and time for a new challenge here at A Place to Start.  We have the option of Mirror Stamping, which is a unique technique in my opinion.  I've tried it a few times in the past, but I don't think I ever actually made a card using the technique.  I challenged myself to actually make it work this time.  Here's my card:

I loosely water colored the background using Mowed Lawn Distress Ink.  Then I stamped the images and colored them with my Spectrum Noir Markers.  This is a cute little Christmas card, my second of the year, although it doesn't actually look very much like Christmas. But I like that - it's rather nontraditional.

Won't you give mirror stamping a try and join our challenge using the stamp of your choice?  It's fun to try something different.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Great non-traditional Christmas card and love the cute squirrels and this was my first try at this technique-not easy lol
    Carol x

    1. Thanks, Carol. I've tried this technique before, but this is my best ever attempt. It's definitely not easy for me.

  2. I love a non-traditional Christmas card, Sheila, especially if it has critters on it and I think this is fabulous! Well done on your mirror stamping! Those sweet friends bearing gifts have made this anxious day a whole lot better for me! Keep safe! Hugs, Darnell

    1. Hi, Darnell! I'm so glad you like my card. It was quite the challenge for me to actually make it work. You stay safe also - hugs!!


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